marți, iunie 29, 2010

Dimineata la cafea

      Ghost of the corporate future        

        A man walks out of his apartment,         

It is raining, he's got no umbrella

He starts running beneath the awnings,

Trying to save his suit,

Trying to save his suit.

Trying to dry, and to dry, and to dry but no good

When he gets to the crowded subway platform,

He takes off both of his shoes

He steps right into somebody's fat loogie

And everyone who sees him says, "Ew."

Everyone who sees him says, "Ew."

But he doesn't care,

'Cause last night he got a visit from the

Ghost of Corporate Future

The ghost said, "Take off both your shoes

Whatever chances you get

Especially when they're wet."

He also said,

"Imagine you go away

On a business trip one day

And when you come back home,

Your children have grown

And you never made your wife moan,

Your children have grown

And you never made your wife moan."

"And people make you nervous

You'd think the world is ending,

And everybody's features have somehow started blending

And everything is plastic,

And everyone's sarcastic,

And all your food is frozen,

It needs to be defrosted."

"You'd think the world was ending,

You'd think the world was ending,

You'd think the world was ending right now.

You'd think the world was ending,

You'd think the world was ending,

You'd think the world was ending right now."

"Well maybe you should just drink a lot less coffee,

And never ever watch the ten o'clock news,

Maybe you should kiss someone nice,

Or lick a rock,

Or both."

"Maybe you should cut your own hair

'Cause that can be so funny

It doesn't cost any money

And it always grows back

Hair grows even after you're dead"

"And people are just people,

They shouldn't make you nervous.

The world is everlasting,

It's coming and it's going.

If you don't toss your plastic,

The streets won't be so plastic.

And if you kiss somebody,

Then both of you'll get practice."

"The world is everlasting

Put dirtballs in your pocket,

Put dirtballs in your pocket,

And take off both your shoes.

'Cause people are just people,

People are just people,

People are just people like you.

People are just people,

People are just people,

People are just people like you."

The world is everlasting

It's coming and it's going

The world is everlasting

It's coming and it's going

It's coming and it's going

*cu gandul la Raluca


You win

It's your show, now

So what's it gonna be

'Cause people

Will tune in

How many train wrecks do we need to see?

Before we lose touch of

We thought this was low

It's bad getting worse so


Where'd all the good people go?

I've been changing channels

I don't see them on the TV shows

Where'd all the good people go?

We got heaps and heaps of what we sow

They got this and that and

With a rattle a tat

Testing one two,

Now what you gonna do?

Bad news, misused,

Got too much to lose

Gimme some truth

Now whose side are we on?

Whatever you say

Turn on the boob tube

I'm in the mood to obey

So lead me astray by the way, now

Where'd all the good people go?

I've been changing channels

I don't see them on the TV shows

Where'd all the good people go?

We got heaps and heaps of what we sow

Sitting round feeling far away

So far away but I can feel the debris

Can you feel it?

You interrupt me from a friendly conversation

To tell me how great its all gonna be

You might notice some hesitation

'Cause it's important to you, it's not important to me

Way down by the edge of your reasons

It's beginning to show

And all I really wanna know is...

Where'd all the good people go?

I've been changing channels

I don't see them on the TV shows

Where'd all the good people go?

We got heaps and heaps of what we sow

They got this and that

With a rattle a tat

Testing one, two

Now what you gonna do?

Bad news, misused, give me some truth

You got too much to lose

Whose side are we on today, anyway?

OK, whatever you say.

Wrong and resolute but in the mood to obey

Station to station desensitizing the nation

Going, going, gone.

*cu gandul la Adi

"if your mind is out of two feel the silence"

duminică, iunie 27, 2010

Daca Sisif ar fi fost femeie...

La inceput eram evă si-l lasam pe Om sa-mi muste din carne.
Dar cand batranul si-a golit amfora si am simtit pamantul ud sub picioare, am stiut ca a venit momentul sa fug.

Nu voi lasa lumina sa ma patrunda, chiar de va veni sub forma lui Apollo.Nu voi accepta sa fiu violata de zei, chiar de vor reprezenta adevarul suprem.

Si iata ca o sa ma prefac in copac, pentru a mia oara-n copac, iar fructul meu va avea un singur sambure.Si-atunci  Omul imi va manca fructul si omida frunza, dar lumina nu-mi va patrunde radacinile, caci ele se vor intinde pan la Hades si-napoi si-apoi iar si iar si iar si iar...


 Nu doar lantul, funia, snurul se innoada.Cateodata mi se innoada gandurile, dar cel mai adesea se face nod intre cuvinte.
   Candva, imi gaseam linistea in versuri.Dar cand versurile deveneau poezie trebuia sa fug, caci daca nu o faceam deveneam prizoniera propriei creatii. Cand cuvintele prindeau viata, se transformau in templu. Daca ma opream, inainte de vreme, imi lasam lacasul neacoperit, iar daca terminam riscam sa devin altar.
   Cand a trebuit sa scriu in ideea de a construi, mi-am dat seama ca nu vreau sa devin arhitect si mi-am intors spatele inspre ele, fara sa stiu ca o buna parte imi ramasesera innodate in gatlej.De atunci ma chinui sa le dezleg si sa le insir ca pe margele, dar fac ce fac si firul se rupe-n doua,trei si enspe mii de bucati si cuvintele imi aluneca la loc pe gat, incurcandu-mi corzile vocale.Catodata vocea mi-e racnet, alteori doar murmur.
   Asa cum e curcubeul punte intre terestru si celest asa-s si cuvintele punti imaginare intre poti pasi, nu te poti catara, nu poti nici macar sa te tarai pe ele pentru a ajunge la celalalt...
Oricum puntile mele se clatina, lipsesc scanduri si atunci cand ploua-n templu sunt si alunecoase.Oricum puntile mele sunt inguste si subrede si nu multi ar risca sa le treaca.
Lasati-ma deci sa va vorbesc in imagini.Lasati-ma deci sa creez punti virtuale, unde, in lipsa sunetului pot stapani cuvantul.Caci daca am ceva de povestit o voi face.Iar daca am ceva de trait, o sa traiesc acel ceva si il voi povesti la urma, cand culorile curcubeului vor pali si gandurile se vor insirui singure, nascand cuvinte ordonate ca niste margele.

sâmbătă, iunie 26, 2010

about shlaping along

We work in order to consume and consume in order to maintain our jobs, the places where we work so that we are able to consume more ;)


Fragmente de calatorie

  A doua noapte tuna si fulgera
.Era deja trecut de 11 dimineata, dar cerul avea o nuanta gri-maronie si marea se scurgea in ceata.
In nisip era inscris tiparul si valurile devenisera fractali, iar oamenii, priviti de la distanta, se miscau in slow-motion incolo si incoace.Isi construisera casusele lor micute, cu acoperis cu tot, aveau umbrele, unelte si haine colorate.Mergeau agale incercand sa imite ritmul apei.
In planul indepartat totul aparea ca o pictura impresionista, iar putin mai departe de asta, detaliile se transformau intr-un lego pixelat.Credeam ca daca o sa ma ridic in picioare, o sa pot privi toata scena asta de sus... un fel de Guliver care si-a aruncat privirea inspre o balta.Dar am facut greseala sa privesc apoi inspre Nord si am redevenit mica, un fir de nisip care a indraznit sa priveasca marea:).
In bucata noastra de cer, de deasupra capului, zburau porumbei, pescarusi si vrabitute.(evident ca nu toate in acelasi timp, desi cateodata se mai si intersectau) Ce ne-a impresionat a fost insa modul simfonico-silentios:) in care pescarusii vanau.Un ritm fluid, aproape straniu pentru intelegerea noastra sacadata, robotizata, de oraseni traind intr-o lume cubisto-futurista,combinata cu trecuturi si istorii nescrise, coexistand cu masinile si gandind in numere.
Cand a inceput sa ploua mai tare am alergat spre cort, infasurati in sacul de dormit Inauntru, desi culorile erau foarte artificiale (aproape SF daca nu ar fi fost scrijelit exteriorul:)), aveam o senzatie stranie de reintoarcere in pantec si ma gandeam la cuvantul alternativ si la etimologia cuvantului( fost bantuita de definitii, dar deja stiti asta:)).In cartea New Age, Paradigma Holista, Wurtz spune ca alter-nativ inseamna nascut altfel, nascut din nou.(stiu ca are sens, dar folosindu-l ca sinonim pentru optiune, alegere etc nu-l intelesesem niciodata in intregime:)...apoi m-am trezit spunand "uite, de atat au nevoie doi oameni" si combinand senzatia de pantec cu senzatia de celula(sau stup), mi-am amintit de androgin si de fascinatia pe care am avut-o si inca o am  fata de termenii anima/animus.
Cand am iesit afara, totul devenise digital.Si din nou nu imi mai incapeam in piele.

si acum sa-ncep fragmentele de calatorie:

"Androgin=bisexual.In lucrarea de fata termenul este intrebuintat numai in acceptia psihologica.Nu e vorba de hermafroditism, ci de reuniunea unor insusiri masculine si feminine.Ca revendicare, androginitatea pretinde integrarea de catre fiecare individ uman a celuilalt sex in propriile lui dimensiuni psihice.Conceptul de androginitate transcende vechea dihotomie a pasiv-activului, dupa care pasiv inseamna feminin si introvertit, iar activ inseamna masculin si extrovertit.Spiritualitatea New Age revendica o "largire a contiintei" atat pt barbat cat si pt femeie, pana la integrarea si identificarea reciproca)Omul androgin al viitorului isi va fi cultivat in prealabil sentimentul apartenentei la ordinea cosmica si reflectarea macrocosmoului in microcosmosul uman.Androginitatea se va dezvolta in plan psihic, fara exhibare fizica.Procesul este launtric, dar, in perspectiva, el ar duce desigur si l schimbari importante de comportament."

" Yin si Yang reprezinta simbolul cel mai bogat in continut al miscarii pentru Noua Era.Dificultatiile de interpretare a acstuia au fost introduse de modul specific al receptarii europene.La origine, yin-yang este un simbol holistic.In spatiul nostru cultural, insa, el a fost  cuprins in paradigma dualista a gandirii si astfel "simplificat", dar si deformat.[...]
  Interpretarea si intelegerea aceasta, insa, este deja polara, dualista, statica, potrivita limbajului nostru discret si nu se afla inca la nivelul exigentelor taoiste.In viziunea filosofilor chinezi, realitatea (a carei esenta profunda era TAO) reprezenta un proces de continua schimbare si transformare.(...)
  Proprietatea principala a lui TAO este ca neintrerupta sa miscare se desfasoara ciclic.Toate schimbarile din natura decurg ciclic, cele fizice, precum si cele psihice si sociale. 

Opozitiile nu apartin unei categorii diferite, ele nu isi sunt exterioare una alteia, ci sunt polaritati ale unuia si aceluiasi fenomen.(...)Toate fenomenele naturii sunt manifestari ale unei alternante continue si neintrerupte ale acestor doi poli, care nu sunt numai poli punctiformi, ci treceri, cresteri si descresteri.(...)Ordinea naturii nu e decat echilibrul dnamic dintre yin si yang"

-nu sunt asimilate cu polaritatea valorilor morale
-binele nu este nici Yin nici Yang, ci echilibrul dinamic dintre ambele principii
yin=ceea ce recepteaza si mentine-sustine-conserva
yang=expandeaza, cotropeste, revendica

(Bruno Wurtz, New Age, Editura De Vest, Timisoara, 1994)


"acest OM total nu este nici barbat nici femeie, ci le reuneste pe amindoua. In schimb, eul, fiind in mod fundamental sexuat, nu poate integra cu usurinta continuturi apartinind sexului opus. Acestea, pe masura ce isi fac aparitia in psihic, vor fi grupate in cadrul unui nou complex, numit anima/ animus, sau complexul contrasexual. La barbati, acest complex este de sex feminin si se numeste anima, iar la femei, animus-ul este de sex masculin. Etimologic, anima inseamna suflet. De altfel, asa cum egoul este comlexul central al constiintei, anima ocupa o pozitie similara in inconstient, deseori aparind precum 'sufletul' subiectului, ce organizeaza viata interioara inconstienta. Putem vedea anima ca o reflectare in oglinda a eului, dar o oglinda ciudata, ce transforma orice in complementul sau. Astfel, acele elemente care, din diverse motive, nu-si gasesc locul in egoul subiectului de obicei se refugiaza in anima acestuia.
Acest complex, alcatuit din elemente ce nu au fost niciodata constiente si, mai mult, fiind oarecum respins de ego care nu poate accepta, la persoana cu care se identifica, elemente apartinind sexului opus, se afla situat in structurile profunde ale inconstientului personal, mult mai indepartat de zona constienta decit umbra."

Levels of anima development

Jung believed anima development has four distinct levels, which he named Eve, Helen, Mary, and Sophia. In broad terms, the entire process of anima development in a male is about the male subject opening up to emotionality, and in that way a broader spirituality, by creating a new conscious paradigm that includes intuitive processes, creativity and imagination, and psychic sensitivity towards himself and others where it might not have existed previously.


The first is Eve, named after the Genesis account of Adam and Eve. It deals with the emergence of a male's object of desire.


The second is Helen, in allusion to Helen of Troy in Greek mythology. In this phase, women are viewed as capable of worldly success and of being self-reliant, intelligent and insightful, even if not altogether virtuous. This second phase is meant to show a strong schism in external talents (cultivated business and conventional skills) with lacking internal qualities (inability for virtue, lacking faith or imagination).


The third phase is Mary, named after the Christian theological understanding of the Virgin Mary (Jesus' mother). At this level, females can now seem to possess virtue by the perceiving male (even if in an esoteric and dogmatic way), insomuch as certain activities deemed consciously unvirtuous cannot be applied to her.


The fourth and final phase of anima development is Sophia, named after the Greek word for wisdom. Complete integration has now occurred, which allows females to be seen and related to as particular individuals who possess both positive and negative qualities. The most important aspect of this final level is that, as the personification "Wisdom" suggests, the anima is now developed enough that no single object can fully and permanently contain the images to which it is related.

*asta m-a dus cu gandul la cele 4 varste, si la Epoca Varsatorului, care teoretic ar fi cea de-a cincea varsta.
Helen of Troy m-a dus cu gandul la termenul Dark Age, si am vazut valuri uriase inghitind pamantul.Apoi mi-am revenit.

Levels of animus development

Jung focused more on the male's anima and wrote less about the female's animus. Jung believed that every woman has an analogous animus within her psyche, this being a set of unconscious masculine attributes and potentials. He viewed the animus as being more complex than the anima, postulating that women have a host of animus images while the male anima consists only of one dominant image.
Jung stated that there are four parallel levels of Animus development in a female, but only named stage one and three of the animus individuation process: the athlete/muscleman/thug and the professor/cleric — "the planner" and "the guide" are used here for the convenience of the reader. For the former, due to Jung's explanation that "[it] provides a woman with initiative and the capacity for planned action"; and the latter, by him noting that "[i]n mythology, this aspect of the animus appears as Hermes, messenger of the gods; in dreams he is a helpful guide."

The athlete

Also referred to as the thug or the muscleman, Jung described it as the embodiment of physical power.

The planner

This stage embodies the capacity for independence, planned action, and initiative.

The professor

Also referred to as the cleric, it embodies "the Word."

The guide
Like "Sophia," this is highest level of mediation between the unconscious and conscious mind.

In dictionarul simbolurilor din alchimie , cele doua reprezentari erau folosite pentru a desemna planetele Venus si Marte, dar si  elementele chimice antimoniu si fier.

Antimony is a generally blue-white chemical element with the symbol Sb (Latin: stibium). It has an atomic number of 51. As a metalloid, antimony has four allotropes.
The stable form of antimony is a blue-white metalloid. Yellow and black antimony are unstable non-metals. Elemental antimony and its compounds are used in many areas, including electronics, flame-proofing, paint, rubber, ceramics, enamels, drugs to treat Leishmania infection and a wide variety of alloys.
Antimony is created via the long S-process in low-medium mass stars (.6 -> 10 solar masses). This takes thousands of years to do. It requires a tin atom to capture sufficient neutrons and then undergo beta decay.
Iron is a chemical element with the symbol Fe (Latin: ferrum) and atomic number 26. It is a metal in the first transition series. Like other group 8 elements, it exists in a wide range of oxidation states
 Iron is created in extremely large, extremely hot (over 2.5 billion kelvin) stars, in a process called the silicon burning process. It is the last element to be produced in this manner. The process is complicated. It starts with the second largest stable molecule created by silicon burning - calcium. One stable molecule of calcium, fuses with one helium, creating unstable titanium. Before the titanium decays, it can fuse with another atom of helium creating unstable chromium. Before the chromium decays, it can fuse with another atom of helium creating unstable iron. Before the iron decays, it can fuse with another atom of helium creating unstable nickel. The nickel then decays to unstable cobalt, and again finally to stable iron-56. The iron can no longer be fused with other elements. As the star fills up with iron, it begins to cool until there is no longer enough energy to maintain its size. It then contracts and the result is a supernova. Supernovas also create additional forms of stable iron via the r-process.
"si voi rade de mine, de noi si de iubirea noastra anorganica cu gust acidulat si rece"

Äm patruns adancurile pana la glezne si orizontul era la polul opus.Un urias printre valuri, asteptand sa apuna soarele ca sa se catere pe stele.

luni, iunie 21, 2010

Haide Bre sa ne cunoastem!(ce facem saptamana asta?)

Programul Festivalului Anthropo Art – Haide Bre sa ne cunoastem!

Joi, 24 iunie 2010
Ora 17.00 – Five O’clock Sprit
- Dialog Cultural pe tema „Lecturi Vizuale. Aromanii si Balcanii" la Libraria Engleza Anthony Frost.
Ora 19:00 – Seara „Haide Bre ..." - La Conacul Anthropoesis (inspirata de Irina Nicolau, oameni si atitudini non-exclusiviste)
- Dialog cultural pe tema „Aromanii si Balcanii" cu public, studenti si cercetatori
- Invitati: Ioana Popescu, Ecaterina Safarica, Alexandru Gica, Vintila Mihailescu, Ger Duijzings
- Jam-session interactiv de Muzica si Dansuri Aromanesti
Vineri, 25 iunie 2010
Ora 12:00 – Work-shop de fotografie sustinut de Ana Maria Moldovan si Mircea Achim cu tema „De la studio, pe strada. Intre Lumi".
Ora 17:00 – Five O’clock Sprit
- Dialog Cultural pe tema „Afro-romanii si Balcanii" – cu public, expati si imigranti - la Conacul Anthropoesis, sustinut de Ambasada Africii de Sud
Ora 19:00 – Noaptea Interculturala „Afro-romanii si Balcanii" – la Conac:
- Expozitie de pictura – Kigsley Nwabia
- Expozitie de bijuterii – Zeinabou Diori (invitat special din Belgia)
- Expozitie de fotografie – Mark Oostendorp
- Expozitie de intrumente muzicale cu dansuri si muzica africane
- Concert – Mbella Nzuzi cu trupa „Gloria"
- Expozitie de vestimentatie si accesorii
- Bufet cu preparate traditionale africane – oferit de OFRR
- Proiectie de scurt-metraje:
- „Ploaie in Desert" (Ilinca Neagu)
-„Abandon de Poste" (Mohamed Bouhari – Belgia)
Sambata, 26 iunie 2010
Ora 12:00 – Work-shop de fotografie sustinut de Ana Maria Moldvoan si Mircea Achim cu tema „De la Studio, pe strada. Intre Lumi" - La-Studio.
Ora 17:00 – Five O’clock Sprit -
- Dialoguri culturale pe tema „Latinitatea si Balcanii" – la Muzeul Taranului Roman
Ora 19:00 – Seara „Haide Bre..." - la MTR - Pareea „Caravana" – primul ansamblu de muzica aromaneasca si balcanica cu instrumente „de la mama lor"
- Happening de fotografie – Fratii Manakia
- Filme documentare:
- „Balkan’s Digest" (Albania 2008) – urbanitate si nomadism la aromani, o poveste a perpetuei devorari balcanice.
- „Miraki din Rodopi" (Bulgaria 2009) – dinamici si destine la aromani.
- Jam-session interactiv de muzica si dans
- Bufet oferit de „Delicii Culinare"
Duminica, 27 iunie 2010 – Ziua Tihnei
Ora 12:00 – Work-shop de fotografie
„Intre Lumi...Matache-Cismigiu/Bucurestiul Nedescoperit", sustinut
de Luchian Ciobanu, in exterior
Ora 17:00 –Five O’clock Sprit
- Atelier cu Teatrul pentru Copii – sustinut de Maestrul Ion Lucian – la Conacul Anthropoesis
Ora 19:00 – Anthropoesis Sounds and Visions – la Conacul Anthropoesis
Luni, 28 iunie 2010
Ora 12:00 – Work-shop pe tema „Documentarul si fictiunea" – sustinut de Andrei
Dascalescu la Clubul Tago Mago
Ora 14:00 – Proiectie de film – „Constantin si Elena" la Clubul Tago Mago
Ora 17:00 – Five O’clock Sprit
– Dezbatere pe tema „Femeia Interculturala si Barbatul interdisciplinar" – sustinuta de Lady4Ever la Tago Mago
Ora 19:00 – Seara „Haide Bre..." - Zaiafet la club TagoMago
- Concert, jam-session de muzica si dansuri cu
- Proiectie de film:
- „Zmeii" (Vlad Ilicevici)
- „Preotul din Budapesta" (Mohamed Bouhari)
- Bufet cu specific musulman – sustinut de „Delicii Culinare"
Marti, 29 iunie 2010
Ora 17:00 – Five O’clock Sprit
- Prezentarea activitatii de la work-shop-ul de fotografie si a lucrarilor cursantilor – Conacul Anthropoesis
Ora 19:00 – Seara „Intre Lumi... Matache-Cismigiu" – la Conac
- Prezentarea proiectului „pilot" de cercetare din perspectiva artelor si stiintelor sociale, redescoperirea Bucurestiului intercultural si interdisciplinar - cu public, studenti, cercetatori.
Invitati: Ioana Popescu, Zoltan Rostas, Vintila Mihailescu,
Ger Duijzings.
- Expuneri de foto-reportaje, istorie orala si graffiti. – la Conac.
- Sezatoare Urbana
Miercuri, 30 iunie 2010
Ora 17:00 – Five O’clock Sprit
- Acordarea premiilor pentru castigatorii concursurilor organizate in timpul work-shop-urilor de film si fotografie – Libraria Engleza
Ora 19:00 – Seara „LaRevederilor Dificile"
- Barbeque cu hamburgeri si mititei oferit de „Celebration Catering"
- Concert de jazz
- Jam-session-uri interactive de muzica si dans
- Expozitie de fotografie sustinuta de Ilinca Neagu, Luchian Ciobanu, Ana Maria Moldovan si Radu Tomici.

They fuck you up...


They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.           
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.
si 3 filme excelente din seria "they fuck you up...":)

Bad Boy Bubby


si Sybil

Bad Boy Buddy si Sybil  sunt mai greu de digerat, dar va vor face sa va simtiti niste oameni foarte norocosi.
:).Daca nu ma insel, toate trei sunt cazuri reale.

pff cum am uitat de Taxidermia?

duminică, iunie 20, 2010

and what are we actually trying to save?

Gata.Oricat de interesant ar fi fenomenul , "paranoia is good" doar pana intr-un anumit punct.

de la cipuri pe care oamenii si le comanda fiindca au incredere in figura paterna afisata de guvern, pana la comete, coduri, genocid, al 4-lea Reich-aeroportul "New World" din Denver, invazia musulmanilor, Obama Antichristu', animatori existentiali, suprematia masinilor si inteligenta artificiala, Planet X, cele 9 dimnsiuni, agenti virtuali care prevad sfarsitul lumii (evident 2012), la profetii antice, medievale , Iisus calare pe cometa etc. eu zic ca pana atunci sa ne mutam in Nimbin.,_New_South_Wales ;)

"Protest is when I say this does not please me.
 Resistance is when I ensure what does not please me occurs no more"

if so..let it save itself

Trippin' in Bucuresti

Order and chaos.Just like fractals:)